Is underpadding necessary for laminate flooring in Calgary?

Is underpadding necessary for laminate flooring in Calgary?

Laminate flooring in Calgary provides outstanding benefits, including stunning visuals, excellent durability, and an affordable price point that makes it easy to floor your entire home. We're often asked about underpadding and whether it's necessary during installation, so here are some facts to help you understand the process better.

When you?re ready to buy laminate flooring, start here

Underpadding fits between the flooring and subflooring and serves several purposes, including increased comfort, noise suppression, and moisture protection. Some laminates have an underpadding attached already, making this decision easier and installation faster without sacrificing any of the advantages you need.

Laminate floors in Calgary also need an excellent underpadding to smooth imperfections in the subfloor, which can protect your new flooring over time. Uneven subflooring can cause damage over time, cracking and warping your new floors long before their lifespan should be spent.

Moisture protection is another essential underlayment feature since even waterproof laminate flooring doesn't protect from the bottom of the materials. Moisture protection can prevent swelling, warping, mold growth, and damage, so you never have to worry about the issue as long as your laminate flooring is in place.

Visit our laminate flooring store today

As a laminate flooring store, Westvalley Carpet & Flooring has offered exceptional products and services for homes and businesses of every type and size for over nine decades. We enjoy offering extensive choices that allow you to create the space you want and need, with excellent benefits such as free estimates and shop-at-home services.

From our showrooms in North Calgary, South Calgary, AB, and Westvalley Central (Calgary, AB), we cater to the Greater Calgary and Alberta areas for your convenience. You can stop by any time to learn more about our options and browse an extensive inventory of laminate flooring in Calgary.